Hybrid working: Hate it or rate it?


As a business owner or manager, what are your feelings about hybrid working (a mix of working remotely and in the office)? A lot of that will depend on how well it suits your business, and your own personal preferences about having people together in real life. But also, on the tools you use for […]

Maintaining Work-Life Balance While Working From Home


Since the pandemic began two years ago there has been a spike of employees working from home, which has had it’s challenges. If you are working home and have small children to look after while trying to be productive, this can be an extremely difficult task. If you are at home alone with pet’s, it […]

The Benefits of Using a VoIP for your Business


More and more businesses are converting to a modern telecommunications technology, Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). VoIP allows the transmission of voice signals across IP-based network such as LAN, WAN, and Wi-Fi. VoIP works by taking analog voice signals from a regular handset, converting them into digital bits, and transmitting the digitized information as packets […]